About dissertation council
The dissertation council at institute has the right to accept to defense of a thesis for degree of candidates and doctors on veterinary and biological sciences.
A predecessor of the Dissertation council functioning now is organized on the basis of the order of the Head veterinary department, the order No. 37 of July 3, 1935. An academic council, which since April 26, 1938. The resolution 558 of Council of People's Commissars of the USSR I have acquired the right to award degrees of candidates of veterinary, medical and biological sciences in a gelmintologiya. Further by the order No. 5586 of Council of ministers of the USSR of July 25, 1955 the Academic council of institute has been granted the right of reception to protection of theses for degree of doctors of veterinary and biological sciences.
Scientists with a world name who have made a huge contribution to development of gelmintologichesky science, such as Konstantin Ivanovich Scriabin, Richard Solomonovich Schultz, Evgeny Evgenyevich Shumakovich, Vsevolod Georgiyevich Gagarin, Nikolay Vasilyevich Demidov, Vladimir Stepanovich Yershov, Taisiya Petrovna Veselova, Andrey Stefanovich Bessonov, Elena Semenovna Leykina Nikolay Nikolaevich Plotnikov, Natalya Nikolaevna Ozeretskovskaya, Vasily Ivanovich Petrochenko, Tatyana Semenovna Skarbilovich and others were a part of council.
Now members of dissertation council are also the highly qualified specialists of institute, the lead research and educational institutions representing everything sections of parasitology that provides a comprehensive and objective assessment of the works presented to protection.