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All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plant – a branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Centre VIEV”

Scientific and practical development

Scientific and practical developments

  At institute are developed for implementation of the scientific and methodical help and services in questions of diagnostics, prevention and fight against parasitic diseases of animals, birds, fishes and against phytohelminthoses of agricultural plants and the following developments are offered for application.

  1. Technology of veterinary and sanitary examination on trichinosis with use of the device of a prototype series of AVT-L6 and TP-3. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  2. Technology of postlethal diagnosis of trichinosis with use of new composition of artificial gastric juice Betasol (methodical provisions). Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 93201.
  3. Production schedules on receiving a complex immunopreparation for prevention of an alveolar gidatidoz. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  4. Production schedules of receiving a diagnostic anti-gene at larvalny echinococcosis from Cysticercus tenuicollis protoskoleks. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  5. Laboratory regulations on dot-IFA at trichinosis of pigs. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  6. Laboratory regulations on identification of serumal anti-genes at trichinosis by method sendvich-IFA. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  7. Laboratory regulations on a way of receiving hybrid Tsp1 protein трихинелл for immunoprevention. Number of registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  8. A way of diagnosis of trichinosis at experimentally infected laboratory animals (invention). Number of the state registration in ER of Rosnauka 15070.7727/093201.11.5.001/004.
  9. Way of lifetime diagnosis of trichinosis carnivorous and omnivores (invention). Number of the state registration in ER of Rosnauka 15070.7727093201.11.5.001/001.
  10. Way of lifetime diagnostics of a larvalny gidatidoz (echinococcosis) of sheep (invention). Number of the state registration in ER of Rosnauka 15070.7727093201.11.5.001/003.
  11. A way of receiving a diagnostic anti-gene at trichinosis (invention). Number of the state registration in ER of Rosnauka 15070.7727093201.11.5.001/002.
  12. Way of cleaning of group of high-molecular proteinaceous anti-genes фасциол (invention). Number of the state registration in ER of Rosnauka 15070.7727093201.11.5.001/005.
  13. Way of lifetime diagnosis of trichinosis of pigs (invention). Number of the state registration in ER of Rosnauka 0.7727093201.12.5.001/001.
  14. Way of cleaning of nonprotein anti-genes фасциол (invention). Number of the state registration in ER of Rosnauka 15070.6111000102.11.5.002/013.
  15. A way of treatment of fur animals at an otodektoza (invention). Number of the state registration in ER of Rosnauka 15070.7727093201.11.5.002/001.
  16. Way of treatment and prevention of koktsidioz of minks (invention). Number of the state registration in ER of Rosnauka 15070.7727093201.12.5.002/002.
  17. Way of treatment of an opistorkhoz of carnivores (invention). Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  18. A technique of diagnostics of a dirofilyarioz of dogs the fractioned anti-gene from setariya. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  19. A technique of statement of immunofermental reaction for diagnosis of trichinosis. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  20. A technique of statement of polimerazny chain reaction at an opistorkhoza (Opisthorchis felineus) of carnivores. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 93201.
  21. A technique of identification of koproantigen reaction sendvich-IFA for diagnosis of trichinosis. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 772702.0/004.
  22. Technique of identification of a genotype of Trichinella nativa by method of the multiplex polimerazny chain reaction (PCR). Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  23. Methods of epizootologichesky inspection on strongilyatoza of elks in especially protected natural territories. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  24. Methodical recommendations about definition of a prevalence of fish production larvae анизакид. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 93201.
  25. Methodical recommendations about optimization of postlethal diagnosis of cysticercosis of cattle. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  26. Methodical recommendations about sanitary parasitological control of work of treatment facilities of pig factory farms in the conditions of the Moscow region. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 3324003261.
  27. Methodical recommendations about fight against parasitic diseases of cattle in farms of the Republic of Mordovia. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  28. Methodical recommendations about antiparasitic quarantine actions on hippodromes and horse bases. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  29. Methodical recommendations about fight measures with strongiloidozy foals in horse-breeding farms. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  30. Methodical recommendations about the organization of monitoring of parasitic diseases in conditions pig-breeding complexes. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  31. Methodical recommendations about use of economically reasonable schemes of processings of pigs of different age at parasitic diseases in specialized farms. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  32. Methodical recommendations about prevention of an ezofagostomoz of pigs in farms of different type. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  33. Methodical recommendations about fight against sarkoptoidoza of cellular fur animals and rabbits. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  34. Methodical recommendations about diagnostics, treatment and prevention of a dirofilyarioz of dogs in the Moscow region. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  35. Methodical recommendations about therapy and prevention of a ktenotsefalidoz of dogs and cats. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  36. Methodical recommendations about fight with opistorkhozy carnivores in the conditions of Western Siberia. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  37. Methodical recommendations about fight against ektoprotozoyno-bacterial diseases of fresh-water decorative fishes. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  38. Methodical provisions on cultivation of a stem nematode of onions and garlic in vegetative bodies of plants. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7820003347.
  39. Methodical provisions by quantitative definition and the qualitative analysis of the circulating immune complexes in serum of blood of animals at diseases of an invasive etiology. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  40. Methodical provisions on diagnosis of tenuikolny cysticercosis a cellular anti-gene. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  41. Methodical provisions on prevention of the main trematodoz and tsestodoz of cattle at pasturable contents. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  42. Methodical provisions on prevention of parasitic diseases at elks in natural territories of Russia. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  43. Methodical provisions on fight against intestinal strongilyatoza of horses. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  44. Methodical provisions on diagnostics and prevention of parazitoz of rare animals in the conditions of zoos and circuses. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  45. Methodical provisions on fight with eymeriozy chickens at different technology of their cultivation in the Central zone of Russia. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  46. Methodical provisions on use of immunomodulators in the combined therapy of helminthoses. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7727093201.
  47. Methodical provisions on application of a hitoyan with fezoly together with mineral top dressing in fight against a gallovy nematode on cucumbers in the protected soil. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7820003347.
  48. Methodical provisions by a ball assessment of development of a globoderoz on landings of potatoes. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7820003347.
  49. Methodical provisions on monitoring of population predatory the nematofagovykh of mushrooms in biocenoses and agroecosystems. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7820003347.
  50. Methodical instructions on monitoring of a meloydoginoz in the protected soil. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 5032037073.
  51. Methodical forecasting of development of a globoderoz of potatoes in the centers of a golden potato nematode in the Central region of Russia. Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 7820003347.
  52. The forecast of an epizootic situation for the main helminthoses of farm and wild animals for 2013.
  53. Veterinary and sanitary examination on trichinosis on the basis of new structure of components of artificial gastric juice (Methodical provisions). Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 93201.
  54. Quarantine and preventive actions in fight with meloydoginozy for the cultures which are grown up in the protected soil (methodical instructions). Number of the state registration in a DB of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences 5032037073.
  55. The Fitogelmintologichesky situation on landings of potatoes in the Central region of Russia (diagnostics and the forecast).
  56. National state standard specification P 54001 Russian Federation standard "Fertilizers organic. Methods of the gelmintologichesky analysis". – M.: Standartinform, 2010.
  57. National state standard specification P Russian Federation standard "Farm animals. Methods of laboratory diagnosis of helminthoses". – M.: Standartinform, 2012. 

Earlier as a result of long-term researches on all questions of a gelmintologiya by institute the instruction of "Action about the prevention and elimination of diseases of animals of helminthoses" approved in 1996 by Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production the Russian Federation is developed.

Materials of researches of institute on a toksokaroz, trichinosis, cysticercosis and rare helminthoses are used for preparation:

- "Methodical instructions on laboratory diagnosis of trichinosis of animals No. 13-7-2/1428", approved by Department of veterinary science of Minselkhozproz 10/28/1998; 
- Methodical instructions "An epidemiological surveillance behind parasitic diseases" - M, 2005. – 82 pages; 
- SanPiN 3.2.1333-03 "Prevention of parasitic diseases in the territory of the Russian Federation" - M, 2003. – 67 pages; 
- Methodical instructions 4.2.2747-10 "Methods of sanitary and parasitological examination and meat production" - M.: Federal center of hygiene and epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, 2011.
