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All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plant – a branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Centre VIEV”

11 October 2022



At the XXIV Russian Agricultural Exhibition "Golden Autumn-2022", following the results of the Competition "For the development, production and introduction of effective drugs and medicines for veterinary use, high efficiency of animal epidemic countermeasures on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, elimination and treatment of infectious and non-contagious animal diseases, and popularization of the veterinary profession in the region", the VNIIP – FSC VIEV was awarded two silver medals and diplomas for periodic printed publication dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of the All-Union Institute of Helminthology - the Path of Formation and Scientific Search, and the periodic printed publication Theory and Practice of Parasitic Disease Control, as well as for the Methodic Recommendations for Comprehensive Control of Endo- and Exogenous Stages of Parasite Development on Turkey Factory Farms, in nominated categories "For contribution to the popularization of the profession, vocational guidance, preservation of traditions and history of veterinary medicine in the region", and "For the development and implementation of methodology guidelines and recommendations in veterinary medicine, including design standards for livestock facilities".
