The rules for Authors are based on the CSE's White Paper on Promotion Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications, 2012 Update.
The Russian Journal of Parasitology is intended for the veterinary, biological, medical and agronomic community in Russia, the CIS countries and the Far Abroad as the country's only publication on veterinary parasitology and phytohelminthology.
The Journal accepts original papers and reviews for publication.
The Journal accepts materials from graduate students, applicants, doctoral students, specialists and experts in this area.
When submitting a manuscript to the Journal, all authors shall:
guarantee that the article submitted by them is an original work, and they have exclusive copyright therein;
disclose financial or any other existing conflict of interest in their manuscripts that may be perceived as having influenced the results or conclusions presented in the paper;
be responsible for the selection and accuracy of any given facts, quotations, statistical or sociological data, proper names, geographical names or any other information;
give consent to the processing of personal data in the Russian Journal of Parasitology as required by the Form of Consent to Personal Data Processing, which shall be provided by each author to the editorial office of the Journal once as an original hard copy.
I. Advice to Author before Submission
Submission of a Paper to the Russian Journal of Parasitology implies that:
- such Paper has not been previously published in any other journal;
- the Paper is not under review in any other journal;
- all Co-Authors agree with publication of the current version of the Paper.
Before submitting a Paper for review, please make sure that the file(s) contains all the necessary information in Russian and English, that the references contained in figures and tables are included, and that all quotes are correct.
The title page of any Paper shall include (in Russian and English):
UDC Code
Name of the Author(s)
Authors are people who have been identified by the Research Team as main contributors to the Paper presented and who have agreed to bear responsibility for their Paper. In addition to responsibility for their part of the Paper, the Author should be able to indicate who of his Co-Authors is responsible for other parts of the Paper.
The Russian Journal of Parasitology accepts the following criteria for authorship:
1. Substantial contributions to study concept and design, data collection, or data analysis and interpretation.
2. Preparation of a Paper or its critical review for meaningful intellectual content.
3. Final approval of the Paper version for publication.
The list of Authors does not include persons who are not authors of the Paper. The names of persons who are not authors, but provided other support, shall be indicated in the Acknowledgments Section.
In Russian, when the Authors of a Paper are listed, a Name/Patronymic/Surname format (e.g. Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov) shall be used.
In English, when the Authors of a Paper are listed, a Name/Middle Initial/Surname format (Ivan I. Ivanov) shall be used. Surnames in English shall be indicated in accordance with the foreign Passport or in such manner as it was indicated in previously published Papers. If the Author has no Foreign Passport and/or publications, the BSI standard shall be used to transliterate his/her surname and first name.
Author(s) Information
This Section contains an e-mail of the Corresponding Author.
Author(s) Affiliation
Affiliation includes the following: full official name of the entity, and full postal address (including postal code, city and country). Authors are required to list all employment places related to the study.
If Authors from different institutions participated in preparing the Paper, the affiliation of each Author to a specific institution is necessary to be indicated using a superscript.
The official name of the institution in English is required for the English information block.
The e-mail of the Corresponding Author shall also be indicated here.
Paper Title
The title of a Paper in Russian shall correspond to the content of such Paper.
The English title shall be appropriate in terms of the English language, while the meaning shall fully correspond to the Russian title.
Recommended length for a structured Abstract shall be 200 to 250 words. The Abstract shall contain the following sections: Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion.
The Abstract should not include newly introduced terms, abbreviations (except for well-known ones), or references to literature.
Five to ten words on the Paper subject. It is desirable that keywords complement the Paper Abstract and Title.
This Section shall indicate all sources of study funding, as well as thanks to persons who participated in the work on the Paper, but are not its Authors. Participation in the work on the Paper implies advice for improving the study, provided space for study, departmental control, obtained financial support, single types of analysis, provided reagents / patients / animals / other materials for the study.
Conflict of Interests
A conflict of interest is conditions in which persons have conflicting or competing interests that can influence editorial decisions. Conflicts of interest can be potential or perceived, as well as currently existing. Objectivity can be influenced by personal, political, financial, scientific, or religious factors.
The Author shall notify the Editor of a real or potential conflict of interest by including information on such conflict of interest in the appropriate Section of the Paper.
If there is no conflict of interest, the Author shall also disclose this. An example of the wording: "The Author declares no conflict of interest."
Paper Text
The Journal has adopted the following format ("Introduction", "Materials and Methods", "Results and Discussion" or "Study Results" and "Discussion", and "Conclusion").
The main text of the Paper shall be presented in Russian or English.
Pictures shall be of good quality and suitable for printing.
All pictures shall have captions.
The caption shall be translated into English.
Pictures shall be numbered in Arabic numerals in such order as they appear in the text. If there is only one picture in the text, such picture shall not be numbered.
References to pictures shall be made as follows: “Picture 3 indicates that ... " or "It is indicated that ... (see Picture 3)".
The caption shall include the serial number of the picture and its title. It shall be aligned in the center: "Picture 2. Description of vital processes".
The period after the caption shall not be put.
The translation of the caption should be placed after the caption in Russian.
Tables should be of good quality and printable. Editable tables are preferred, but not scanned or drawn.
All tables shall have titles.
The title and content of the table should be duplicated in English.
Tables shall be numbered in Arabic numerals in such order as they appear in the text. If there is only one table in the text, then it shall not be numbered.
References to tables shall be made as follows: “Table 3 indicates that ..." or "It is indicated that ... (see Table 3)".
The table title shall include the table serial number and name.
It shall be aligned to the center: "Table 2. Description of vital processes."
The period after the table title shall not be put.
The translation of the table title should be placed after the table title in Russian.
Screenshots and Photos
Photos, screenshots or any other non-drawn illustrations shall be uploaded separately in a special section of the form for submitting a Paper in *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.gif file format (*.doc and *.docx files are provided if additional marks are applied to the image). Image resolution shall be > 300 dpi. Image files shall be named according to the picture number in the text. The caption shall be given separately in the file description, which shall correspond to the name of the photograph placed in the text.
Footnotes shall be numbered in Arabic numerals and be page-oriented. Footnotes may contain links to anonymous sources on the Internet, links to textbooks, study guides, GOSTs, statistical reports, articles in social and political newspapers and magazines, abstracts, dissertations (if not possible to cite papers published as a result of any thesis research) or author's comments.
Information on Contribution of Each Author to Paper
An example of information on Authors’ contribution:
I.I. Ivanov: study design development;
I.A. Petrov, N.I. Sidorov: obtaining data for analysis, data analysis;
P.V. Ivanova: writing the text of the manuscript;
Z.G. Sidorova: review of publications on the Paper subject.
The Journal uses citation that implies a reference to the source in square brackets and a subsequent provision of sources in the bibliography in alphabetical order of Authors and titles (if no Author is indicated).
The reference list shall only include peer-reviewed sources (papers from scientific journals and monographs) mentioned in the Paper text. It is undesirable to include abstracts, dissertations, textbooks, study guides, GOSTs, information from websites, statistical reports, articles in social and political newspapers, websites or blogs in the reference list. If such information is to be cited, the source information should be included in a footnote.
When describing a source, its DOI should be indicated if it is possible to be found (it is possible in 95% of cases for foreign sources).
Links to papers accepted for publication but not yet published shall be marked with the words "in print". Authors shall obtain written permission to refer to such documents and confirm that they are accepted for publication. Information from unpublished sources shall be marked with the words "unpublished data/documents", and Authors shall also obtain written confirmation to use such materials.
References to articles from journals shall specify a year of publication, volume, number of the journal and page numbers.
All Authors shall be included in the description to each source.
Links shall be verified, and the output shall be checked on the official website of journals and/or publishers.
The reference list is required to be translated into English. After the description of the Russian-language source, the Paper language shall be specified at the end of the reference: (In Russ.).
The BSI standard shall be used to transliterate names and surnames of Authors, and titles of journals.
Design Examples
References to Papers:
1. Атабиева Ж. А., Бичиева М. М., Колодий И. В., Биттиров А. М., Шихалиева М. А., Сарбашева М. М., Жекамухова М. З. Прогнозирование эпизоотической и эпидемической ситуации по зоонозным инвазиям на юге России // Ветеринарная патология. 2012. Т. 39, № 1. С. 119–122.
Translated Reference: Atabieva Zh. A., Bichieva M. M., Kolodiy I. V., Bittirov A. M., Shikhalieva M. A., Sarbasheva M. M., Zhekamukhova M. Z. Prediction of the epizootic and epidemic situation in southern Russia. Veterinarnaya patologiya = Veterinary Pathology. 2012; 39 (1): 119–122. (In Russ.)
2. Braicovich P. E., Kuhn J. A., Amundsen Per-A., Marcogliese D. J. Three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus, as a possible paratenic host for salmonid nematodes in a subarctic lake. Parasitology Research. 2015; 115 (3): 1335–1338. DOI: 10.1007/s00436-015-4854-8.
Translated Reference: Braicovich P. E., Kuhn J. A., Amundsen Per-A., Marcogliese D. J. Three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus, as a possible paratenic host for salmonid nematodes in a subarctic lake. Parasitology Research. 2015; 115 (3): 1335–1338. DOI: 10.1007/s00436-015-4854-8.
3. Поспехов В. В., Кусенко К. В. Нематоды рода Philonema (Philonemidae) от нерки и кунджи озера Киси (бассейн р. Ола, Охотское море) // Известия ТИНРО. 2019. Т. 197. С. 194–207. DOI: 10.26428/1606-9919-2019-197-194-207.
Translated Reference: Pospekhov V. V., Kusenko K. V. Nematodes of the genus Philonema (Philonemidae) from the sockeye salmon and white-spotted char of Lake Kisi (basin of the Ola River, Sea of Okhotsk). Izvestiya TINRO = TINRO News. 2019; 197. 194–207. DOI: 10.26428/1606-9919-2019-197-194-207. (In Russ.)
References to Conference Materials:
Сивкова Т. Н. Кариопатическое действие продуктов личинок анизакид на соматические и половые клетки лабораторных крыс при пероральном введении // Материалы докладов научной конференции Всероссийского общества гельминтологов РАН «Теория и практика борьбы с паразитарными болезнями». 2009. Вып. 10. С. 366–370.
Translated Reference: Sivkova T. N. The karyopathic effect of Anisakidae larvae products on somatic and germ cells of laboratory rats at per oral administration. Materialy dokladov nauchnoy konferentsii Vserossiyskogo obshchestva gel'mintologov RAN «Teoriya i praktika bor'by s parazitarnymi boleznyami» = Materials of reports of the scientific conference of the All-Russian Society of Helminthologists of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Theory and practice of parasitic disease control". 2009; 10: 366–370. (In Russ.)
References to Monographs and Books:
1. Черешнев И. А., Волобуев В. В., Шестаков А. В., Фролов С. В. Лососевидные рыбы Северо-Востока России. Владивосток: монография. Дальнаука, 2002. 496 с.
Translated Reference: Chereshnev I. A., Volobuev V. V., Shestakov A. V., Frolov S. V. Salmonids of the North-East of Russia. Vladivostok: monograph. Dalnauka, 2002; 496. (In Russ.)
2. Поспехов В. В., Атрашкевич Г. И., Орловская О. М. Паразитические черви проходных лососевых рыб Северного Охотоморья. Магадан: Кордис, 2014. 128 с.
Translated Reference: Pospekhov V. V., Atrashkevich G. I., Orlovskaya O. M. Parasitic worms of anadromous salmonids of the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. Magadan: Kordis, 2014; 128. (In Russ.)
References to Internet Resources:
Note: It is preferable to provide a reference to material from the website that is mentioned in the Paper. A reference to the home page is not informative and does not provide an opportunity to verify the information.
The name of the material on the website [website]. Website name; 2016 [updated October 19, 2016; cited October 30, 2016.] Available at:
II. How to Submit a Paper for Review
When submitting a Paper, the Authors agree with provisions of the Copyright Agreement provided by Editors.
The manuscript of the Paper shall be sent to the Editor through the online form. The file with the Paper uploaded into the system must be in Microsoft Word format (with the extension *.doc or *.docx).
Papers sent to e-mail are accepted for publication.
III. Interaction Between Journal and Author
The Editors of the Journal are in correspondence with the Corresponding (Contact) Author, however, if the team of Authors so wishes, letters may be sent to all Authors for whom an e-mail address is specified.
All Papers submitted to the Russian Journal of Parasitology are preliminary verified by the Executive Secretary of the Journal for compliance with formal requirements. At this stage, a Paper may be returned to its Author(s) for revision with a request to correct errors or add any missing data. At this stage, a Paper may also be rejected due to inconsistency with the Journal’s goals, lack of originality or low scientific value.
The portion of rejected manuscripts is 5%.
After a preliminary verification, the Editor-In-Chief submits a Paper to a Reviewer indicating the review dates. The Author is notified appropriately.
In case of dispute, the Editor can engage several Experts in the review, as well as the Editor-In-Chief.
With a positive opinion given by the Reviewer, a Paper is transferred to the Editor to prepare for publication.
When a decision is made to revise a Paper, remarks and comments of the Reviewer are delivered to the Author. The Author is given 2 months to address such comments. If during this period the Author has not notified the Editors of his/her planned actions, a Paper is removed from the publication queue.
When a decision is made on refusal to publish a Paper, the corresponding editorial decision is sent to the Author.
The Corresponding (Contact) Author of a Paper accepted for publication is provided with a final version of the layout that he/she is required to check. A response from the Authors is expected within 2 days. If there is no response from the Author, the layout of a Paper is considered approved.
IV. Procedure for Revising Decisions of Editor/Reviewer
If the Author does not agree with the conclusion of the Reviewer and/or Editor or individual comments, he/she may challenge such decision. To do so, the Author needs:
- correct the manuscript of the Paper according to reasonable comments from Reviewers and Editors;
- clearly state his/her position on the issue under consideration.
Editors facilitate resubmission of manuscripts that could potentially be accepted, but were rejected due to the need for significant changes or additional data collection, and are ready to explain in detail what needs to be corrected in the manuscript in order for it to be accepted for publication.
V. Editorial Actions in Case of Plagiarism, Data Fabrication or Falsification
If unfair behavior by the Author, plagiarism, data fabrication or falsification is revealed, the Editors are guided by the COPE rules.
"Unfair Behavior" is meant by the Journal as any Scientist's action that includes improper handling of study objects or deliberate manipulation of scientific information, in which it ceases to reflect the observed studies, as well as the Scientist's behavior that does not meet accepted ethical or scientific standards.
The Russian Journal of Parasitology does not classify as “unfair behavior” honest mistakes or honest discrepancies in the design, conduct, interpretation or evaluation of the study methods or results, or unfair behavior not related to the scientific process.
VI. Error Correction and Paper Withdrawal
If errors are found in the Paper text that affect its perception but do not distort stated study results, they can be corrected by replacing the pdf file of the Paper and indicating the error in the Paper file itself and on the Paper page on the Journal's website.
If errors are found in the Paper text that distort study results, or in the case of plagiarism, discovered unfair behavior of the Author(s) associated with data falsification and/or fabrication, the Paper may be withdrawn. The Paper may be withdrawn by Editors, Author, entity or individual.
The withdrawn Paper is marked with "Paper Withdrawn", and the Paper page contains information on the reason for its withdrawal. Information on the Paper withdrawal is sent to the databases in which the Journal is indexed.