Acute toxicity of supramolecular anthelmintic complexes of Fenbendazole developed by chemical mechanical technology using the Drug Delivery System

Russian Journal of Parasitology
DOI: 10.12737/11778
Article history:
Received   19.01.2015
Accepted  14.03.2015
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Acute toxicity of supramolecular anthelmintic complexes  of Fenbendazole developed by chemical mechanical technology using the Drug Delivery System 

Varlamova A.I.1, Archhipov I.A. 1, Danilevskaya N.V.2, Skira V.N.
1All-Russian  Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied
Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin
117218, Moscow, 28 B. Cheremushkinskaya St.,  e-mail:
2 Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Skryabin,109472, Moscow, 23 Acad. Skryabin st. , e-mail:
3 FASO Russia 119334, Moscow, 32а, Leninskiy pr-t, e-mail:



Objective of research: studying of acute toxicity of supramolecular complexes of Fenbendazole developed using chemical mechanical technology in comparison with the substance of preparation injected to the stomach of white mice and rats.


Materials and methods:

The research of parameters of acute toxicity of the supramolecular complexes of Fenbendazole was conducted according to «Guidelines for experimental (pre-clinical) studies of new pharmaceutical compounds», and other rules.

 Preparations were injected to the stomach of white rats and mice of both gender with the body mass 160–180 and 18–20 g. at a single dose  7 000, 10 000, 15 000 and 20 000 mg/kg, respectively. Each dose was investigated on 6 white rats and   10 white mice. Within 14 days we observed the general health status and behavior of animals, symptoms of intoxication and eventual death. We also conducted postmortem examinations of the fallen animals. The parameters of acute toxicity were determined by the method of Litchfield J. and Wilcoxon F.  (M.D. Belen’ky, 1963).

Results and discussion:

It was not possible to detect LD50 in supramolecular complex of  Fenbendazole  and the base drug Fenbendazole due to the low toxicity.  The maximum endurable dose of  supramolecular complex  no. 2 was 10 000 mg/kg, LD50 -value in supramolecular complex of Fenbendazole no. 2 at injection to the stomach of white mice and rats was  20 000 mg/kg.

Keywords: supramolecular complex, Fenbendazole, acute toxicity, white mice, white rats, LD50.


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© 2015 The Author(s). Published by All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of  Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin. 
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