Dissemination of trichinellosis (Trichinella Railliet, 1895) in preying mammals within Yakutia area

Russian Journal of Parasitology
DOI: 10.12737/11772
Article history:
Received 03.06.2014
Accepted 14.01.2015
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Dissemination of trichinellosis (Trichinella Railliet, 1895) in preying mammals within Yakutia area


V. A. Odnokurtsev, V. T. Sedalischev, I. M. Okhlopkov, E. A. Nikolayev,
N. V. Mamaev
Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone SD RAS,
677980, Yakutsk, Lenin prospect, 41, e-mail: odnokurtsev@ibpc.ysn.ru



Materials and methods. Epizootic situation and distribution of trichinellosis in carnivorous mammals (wolf, fox, white bear, brown bear, wolverine, lynx) in the territory of Yakutia were studied. Trichinellosis was detected in five of six examined animal species.

Results and discussion.

 The extension of infection caused by Trichinella spp. was in wolf 15,2 % (13 regions of Yakutia were investigated), in red fox – 3,3 (10 regions), in brown bear –  19,7 (16 regions), in wolverine – 20 % (10 regions). The highest level of infeсtion of brown bear with Trichinella spp in Olekminsky region of Yakutia was 42,8 %. Trichinellosis was detected in three examined white bears of tundra zone. In examined lynx trichinellosis was not registered. Based on the genetic investigations, the authors presume that the species of Trichinella native is circulating on the territory of Yakutia.

Keywords: carnivorous mammals, trichinellosis, infestation, distribution, Yakutia.


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© 2015 The Author(s). Published by All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of  Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin. 
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