Density of Parascaris equorum (Goeze, 1782) population in the body of the horse of different age groups

Russian Journal of  Parasitology
DOI: 10.12737/11767
Article history:
Received  19.01.2015
Аccepted  14.03.2015
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Density of Parascaris equorum (Goeze, 1782) population in the body of the horse of different age groups


Hasanova  R.I.
Chechen State University,
364097, Grozny, 32 Sheripov st., e-mail:




Objective of research:  to study the age-related dynamics of Parascaris equorum infection in horses in conditions of Chechen Republic.  

Materials and methods: the density of P. equorum population in horse body was studied on the base of examinations of fecal samples of 122 horses of different age groups including 27 horses up to one year old,  29 – 1-2 years old, 32 - 3–5 years old,  and 34 hordes – older than 6 years.


The fecal samples of horses were examined in October – November by flotation method using a saturated solution of zinc sulphate in counting chamber VIGIS to register the number of  Parascaris equorum eggs per 1 g of feces.


The intensity of infection in horses of different ages was evaluated according to the results of helminthological autopsy of 68 digestive tract sets.

The detected helminthes were identified up to the species using the detector of Ivashkin, V. M. - Dvoinos (1984).

Results and discussion :  the infection rate with P. equorum in horses of different ages was different. The density of P. equorum population decreases with horse age,  also the number of eggs  P. equorum  in feces reduces. 



According to the results of coproovoscopy the infection in horses up to one year old was 66, 67 %; in 1-2 years old horses - 44, 83; 3–5 years old - 18,75;  older than 6 years - 8,82 %. The extensity of infection according to the autopsy reports was: in young horses up to one year - 76,9 %;  in 1-2 years old horses - 66,6;  3–5 years old - 31,2 and older than 6 years - 12,5 % at the intensity of infection 30,4±4,5; 23,6±5,0; 19,2±4,6  and 13,3±3,3 specimens /animal,  respectively.


Keywords: hоrse, Parascaris equorum, age-related dynamics, Chechen Republic.


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© 2015 The Author(s). Published by All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of  Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin. 
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