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All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plant – a branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Centre VIEV”

1 October 2016


The meeting of the Methodological Commission "Invasive animal diseases"

Meeting of the Methodical commission "Invasive diseases of animals"

11:00 - on October 06, 2016


1. Consideration of normative and technical documents:

a) Methodical provisions on increase in sensitivity of detection of parasitic objects in elements of the external environment by method of instrumental washouts with use of the device "Probokong-SES". Authors: Moskina O. V., Guzeeva T.M., Malyshev N. S., (FGBOU VPO "the Kursk GU", scientific research institute of parasitology).

Reviewer: Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, prof. Uspensky A.V. (To FGBN VNIIP of K.I. Scriabin

b) Monograph "Toksokaroz. Modern approach to ensuring biosafety of soils". Authors: Ashikhmin S.P., Zhdanova O.B., etc. (FGBOOU WAUGH the Kirov GMA of the Ministry of Health, to FGBN VNIIP of K.I. Scriabin).

Reviewer: Doctor of medical sciences, prof. Kolosov A.E. (FGBOOU WAUGH Kirov GMA of the Ministry of Health); Candidate of Veterinary Sciences Okulova I.I. (To FGBN VNIIOZ of the prof. B.M. Zhitkov)

c) Methodical provisions on neutralization of eggs токсокар in excrements of fur cellular animals. Authors: Doctor of Biological Science of Zhdanov O.B., etc. (FGBOOU WAUGH the Kirov GMA of the Ministry of Health, to FGBN VNIIP of K.I. Scriabin).

Reviewer: Candidate of Veterinary Sciences Okulova I.I. (To FGBN VNIIOZ of the prof. B.M. Zhitkov)

d) Methodical provisions on fight with fastsiolezy cattle in farms of the Kaluga region. Authors: Ustinov A.M. (To FGBN VNIIP of K.I. Scriabin).

Reviewer: Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Musayev M.B. (to FGBN VNIIP of K.I. Scriabin)

e) Methodical provisions on optimization of trikhinelloskopichesky control of carcasses of trade animals on BUS devices. Authors: Andreyanov O.N., Uspenskiy A.V., etc. (to FGBN VNIIP of K.I. Scriabin).
Reviewer: Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Yastreb V.B. (to FGBN VNIIP of K.I. Scriabin).
