Testing of new anthelminthc compositions alfen and panaverm at Moniezia spp. infection of lambs.

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Testing of new anthelminthc compositions alfen and panaverm at Moniezia spp. infection of lambs.

Bittirov A.M., Kabardiev S.Sh., Magomedov O.A., Musaev Z.G., Aldarova L.H., Shipshev B.M., Begiev S.Zh., Slonova E.S. Kabardino-Balkarian V.M. Kokov Agricultural Academy, Prikaspiisk Zonal Scientific Research  Veterinary Institute.

Summary. Alfen and panaverm given to lambs once in mixture with mash at dose levels of 15 and 30 mg/kg of body weight were 100% efficient against Moniezia spp. infection.