Investigation of Opisthorchis felineus, 1884 (Trematoda) metacercaria investigation of fish attributed to carp (Cyprinidae).

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Investigation of Opisthorchis felineus, 1884 (Trematoda) metacercaria investigation of fish attributed to carp (Cyprinidae).

 Manikovskaya N.S., Korinevskaya E.O., Raskovalova E.P. Kemerovo State Medical Academy.

Summary. O. felineus metacercaria infection rates in carps in three points of the Kemerovo Region evidence about the high incidence of this infection in reservoirs and possibility for inhabitants to be infected. The existence of O. felineus foci is possible at occurrence of stable elementary structural units: existence of infected fish, patients with O. felineus infection as well as domestic and wild animals; existence of mollusks being the intermediate hosts in O. felineus life cycle and excreting into water the vast number of larvae which infecting the fish.