Associated parasitoses of dogs in the Ivanovo Region

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Associated parasitoses of dogs in the Ivanovo Region. 

Balandina V.N., Egorov D.S., Kruchkova E.N. D.K. Belyaev Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy.

Summary. As a result of the carried out investigations it has been concluded that 11 helminth species parasitize in flat dogs in the Ivanovo Region including 1 trematode species, 2 cestode species and 8 nematode species; 1 Protozoa species and 1 ectoparasite species. In stray dogs 14 helminth species parasitize including 1 trematode species, 4 cestode species, 9 nematode species, 1 Protozoa species and 1 ectoparasite species.